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Typography & Logos

We must know and put special care in the choice of the typography that we are going to use. And is that we can not use the same type of source if we want to reflect that our business is traditional than if we want to convey that we are a modern company. So, let us know how the sources are grouped according to the psychology of typography:

The serif fonts

Come from the time when letters were carved into blocks of stone, where it was very difficult for the edges to remain straight. We usually perceive them as traditional, serious, respectable, institutional or corporate.

Some examples are: Book Antigua, Courier, Garamond, Times New Roman and Palatine.

Sans serif fonts

Also known as Etruscan or dry wood, their vertices are straight and give the impression of being written by someone who has not used a manual technique such as a brush or pencil. This typography transmits modernity, security, joy and in certain occasions neutrality or minimalism.

Some of the best-known sources of this family: Arial, Bauhaus, Tahoma, Verdana. The Helvetica.

On the other hand, the Manuscripts or Script

Are fonts that appear to be written in italics or to be calligraphy. They are usually used for titles or signatures only, since their finer strokes may disappear and make the text lose readability.

Some examples are Gothic, Brush, Vivaldi and Edwardian Script.

Already knowing the meaning of the colors and now of the types we can begin to create the best logo for our business or commercial idea.


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