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4 Tips to Creating a Strategic Vehicle Wrap

It’s important wraps accurately reflect your brand and clearly state what your business does. If you’ve ever seen a vehicle wrap that was a jumbled mess of too much information and too many graphics, you understand the importance of good graphic design for a wrap. Here are four tips to keep in mind when creating your #vehiclewrap.

Define your goals - Define your goals with the wrap and how you will measure it’s effectiveness.

Deliver a clear message to viewers - It’s important to understand your audience. Who uses your products/services? Why do they use them? What challenge/problem does your product/service fix? Answering questions like these will help you narrow down the direct message for your wrap.

Don’t overlook corporate guidelines - Many franchise companies have strict brand standards or corporate guidelines regarding the colors, fonts, and imagery that can be used in their materials. These guidelines will often dictate the proper placement of logos and other design elements. It is also important to make sure that any messages or images you use do not infringe on anyone else’s copyrights.

Remember the 5 second rule - Most people viewing your wrap will not give it more than a few seconds of attention. Additionally, a vehicle traveling on the highway may have even less time than that. The more information you put on a vehicle wrap, the longer it takes to get its message across, so keep the design clean and get to the point.


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