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The Power of a T-Shirt: 6 Things We Love !

We’ve been thinking a lot lately about the power of a t-shirt. It’s easy to go about the business of the t-shirt business and forget about the largest aspects of what we’re doing. Here are some of our favorite things about T-shirts, what we do for a living.

1. T-shirts have the #power to literally save lives. As we print t-shirts, we’re always touched by the stories behind them. The shirts being sold to raise money for someone to undergo live-saving chemotherapy for breast cancer. The funds being raised to help Texas and Florida rebuild after the devastating hurricanes. The economics of this business allow for some phenomenal fundraising efforts.

2. T-shirts foster a sense of community. Here in Texas, you can’t go a block without seeing someone wearing a shirt that celebrates community #pride. It’s a trend happening across the country. From team shirts to city shirts – apparel helps people to feel connected and proud.

3. T-shirts help you express #yourself. Whether your shirt is an ode to being a nerd, celebrates your fervor for proper grammar or makes a political statement – it’s a great way to show the world who you are as a person.

4. T-shirts get the word out. The cause you champion might be pet rescues or saving the environment. No matter the cause, t-shirts are a great way to have someone strike up a conversation with you and to get the word out #about a cause near and dear to your heart.

5. T-shirts help people realize their #dreams. Our customer range from individuals, schools, teams, businesses, family reunions, cruises, etc.

6. T-shirts are the number one promotional item for a reason! What would you rather receive from a trade show or a new employer – a mouse pad or a t-shirt? That’s what we thought. There are few #people on this earth who don’t like a t-shirt.

Do you have a great story behind a t-shirt you’re making? Have you changed lives with the apparel you got printed? Let us know in the comments or send us a message and we will port it on our social media channels!

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