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5 tips for designing logos.

1- Betting on simplicity.

Also in this case, less is more. To check it, we invite you to think about the logos of some of the world's leading multinationals: Apple, McDonald's Burger King, Pepsi, Mercedes ... No doubt: all of them stand out for their extreme simplicity. If you want your audience to remember more and better the logo of your company, leave the proposals too baroque or recharged for another occasion.


2- Pay attention to the color palette.

The psychology of color is one of the key factors in the design of logos. For this reason, you have to be very clear what the company wants to transmit and what are the tonalities that evoke these feelings or values. Here is a list of colors associated with some ideas and conventions.

3- Choose timeless designs.

Although a logo can always be touched up, it must be created in such a way that it continues to be perceived as modern and current in the medium and long term. That is why it is best to avoid fashions when choosing typography and colors, and decantarte by more classic and durable formulas.

4- The meaning must be clear.

Unless you want to play Double Senses (the Airbnb case has been one of the most played in this area), it is important that anyone who sees the logo quickly identifies what it represents. Otherwise, you will receive an erroneous message about the company, its economic activity or its nature.

5- Design the logo in several formats.

Do not settle for a single layout: remember that your logo can be reproduced on a large number of surfaces, colors and formats, so you have to have foreseen this eventuality. And what better way than creating different variants: with the logo landscape, vertical, with the colors in negative, etc.

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