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The color and its relation with the logos.

The meaning of colors is defined mainly by two factors: the effect they have on our psychological mood and on the cultural meaning that society has given us since its inception.

An example of the meaning of a color defined by its visibility in nature is the blue, which we relate with tranquility, since it is the color of the sky clear and calm. Blue is also perceived as a cold and deep color by its relation with the rain and the reflection of the sky of the great surfaces of water.

We can find hundreds of examples of professionals using colors to create a relationship between a product and a sensation to their consumers, traditionally the colors in the world of advertising are associated as follows:

Yellow: optimism, clarity, warmth.

Orange: friendly, social, security.

Red: bold, exciting, young.

Violet: creative, imaginative, wise.

Blue: useful, strong, faithful.

Green: peace, health, growth.

White: balance, tranquility, neutral.

Use the best choice or carefully mix these colors to attract the attention of your potential customer.

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