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What's the use or purpose of the banner?

Believe it or not, many people give little consideration to the final purpose of use of their vinyl banner. Although vinyl banners are a relatively inexpensive form of advertising, who wants to waste money on a banner that gets no results? So the very first question you should ask yourself is, "What's the end-result I want to accomplish by displaying my banner?" Or, "What should start happening when my banner is displayed?" Examples could be: 1) If you're a retail store, perhaps you want to see the phone start ringing or traffic in the door. We call this "generating leads" or "converting traffic." But the goal is a bump in calls or traffic. Ultra "easy to read" text is extremely important, and a message that people will understand quickly and easily. Your banner may be displayed where people don't have a lot of time to read tons of text. 2) If you're an organization, maybe you're trying to generate leads to grow your membership. In this case, you should notice an increase in calls or emails, and a bump in membership. Again, clear and easy to read fonts are very important, as well as the type of organization you are. Sometimes people get carried away with promoting just their logo or name, and often people have no idea what type of organization you are just by reading your name! 3) If you're celebrating an event, you obviously want the banner to announce the event or generate excitement or ambiance. For celebration banners, you can have fun with colors, fonts, and pictures, since the viewers will be close and have time to view the entire banner. 4) If you're attending a farmer's market, maybe you want to get people in the crowd to actually come to your tent or table. In this case, colorful pictures of your product may be better enticement than just text. 5) If you're banner's goal is informational or instructional, you can pack the text and pictures on, as the viewers will be spending time observing the entire banner. We've printed huge Over sized banners for factories, schools, and agencies that list rules, regulations, training instructions, etc. For informational banners, you can pretty much break all the rules.

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