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Whether you’re new in business or just want to revive your company’s look, you probably have employee uniforms on your mind. This aspect of your company is about more than providing a standard look for your employees—it is essential to your brand and the impressions you leave with customers! Now that you know just how powerful a uniform can be, you may be wondering… how do I design one that advances my business? There is an enormous variety of styles, colors and other factors to consider, but a few basic tips will always hold true when it comes to making a good uniform:

Keep your company’s brand in mind While you consider design options for your employee uniforms, always be sure to keep your company’s brand in mind. This, of course, includes decisions on factors like color (if your company runs on red, for example, you may not want to opt for yellow uniforms) … but it also encompasses so much more. Subtle design choices can have a big impact on how your company and its employees are viewed. Is your modern, cutting edge and geared toward working professionals… or is it perhaps more targeted at parents of young kids? The difference here is huge, and that should be conveyed in your uniform choices. It may mean deciding between simple polo shirts with company logos, more colorful shirt and pant combos, and other options.

Finally, take some time to think about every aspect of the uniform and how you can use it to relate back to your brand. Don’t forget to consider additional items—such as hats, name tags, etc.—when designing your uniforms. These small touches can be as impactful as the uniform itself!

Listen to your employees Ultimately, you get the deciding vote when it comes to your employees’ uniforms, and you should base your decisions based on what you think is best for your company. However, it doesn’t hurt to get input from your employees who would be wearing the new uniforms. By asking them what they think about different textures or uniform elements, you may be able to get a better idea of what they are comfortable in. They may offer you valuable ideas about cuts, styles and materials you haven’t yet considered.

Think about functionality Above all, your employee uniforms have to be functional for the job. Even though you may prefer certain looks or styles, not every design will work for every job type. For example—moisture wicking, lightweight fabrics are often best for outdoor physical work. For less strenuous jobs, however, you may not need such specific fabric types. The best uniform is one that blends your company’s brand with functionality, so ask yourself practical questions during the design process.

By driving your company’s brand and keeping style and functionality in mind, you will be able to design uniforms that make an impact. Keep these tips in mind during the design process so you can create uniforms both your employees and your customers will love!

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