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Wrapping or Painting your Vehicle ?

There are pros & cons to both wrapping or painting your vehicle, and normally a high quality paint job will cost just as much if not more than

a high quality wrap. A cheap paint job is rarely a good thing, and

preserving original paint is something we value, so we tend to side with

wrapping. While it might be “cheaper” to do an easy respray on your

vehicle for a change of color, it will ultimately damage the value and

make it harder to resell down the line. A wrap can be removed easily,

doesn’t run the risk of inconsistencies that come with a cheap paint job,

and can potentially increase the resale value to prospective buyers if

they plan on keeping it wrapped.

Proper wrap care starts with the basics. Keeping your vehicle’s surface

clean is the primary concern, so frequent hand washing to eliminate

surface contaminates is necessary if you want to keep your wrap from

getting stained or damaged from road grime. For those of you with a

gloss free exterior, there are wrap waxing services for matte & satin

films to help keep them protected as well as maintain a nice soft, flat


Jovi Printing specialize in printed, branded, and customized vehicle

wraps. If you already have a design or simply need to get film printed

and applied, or you want us to take it all the way from concept to

completion, we would be glad to assist in bringing your personal or

company fleet vehicles up to spec.

Call an expert, visit us at:

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