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Five Benefits of Good Corporate Image

Development and management of the corporate brand is one of the most potent tools available for senior executives to use in ensuring the viable execution of the corporate vision. Not only does the corporate image management process provide entrepreneurs and business leaders with the highest level of functional control of the organization, it also provides one of the most powerful strategic marketing weapons available in the corporate arsenal. Corporate leaders will use this new management and marketing discipline to drive their organizations forward in victory in today’s and tomorrow’s marketing battlefields.

The underlining principle of this discipline is simply this: if it touches the customer, it’s a marketing issue. Nothing touches the customer more than how he or she perceives your corporate image. This fundamental perception will be the major factor that determines whether the customer will decide to conduct business with you and, more importantly, enter into a long-term and mutually rewarding relationship with your organization.

1. A good corporate image or reputation is an efficient marketing and promotional tool: Consumers will always remember an outstanding service.

2. Credibility and integrity comes with a good name: Don't forget that your reputation is your identity.

3. Corporate image or reputation establishes trust, confidence, loyalty and superb client relationships: a good image provides a strong sense of security.

4. Company image is instrumental in increasing your business opportunities: Corporate reputation is like a magnet. It does not only attract customers. It also catches the attention of interested investors and business partners.

5. A good image can stand the test of time - In this highly competitive market, consumers will always look for alternatives.

A strong corporate identity can raise motivation among employees and inspire confidence in the institution's external target groups. Other benefits include integrated marketing communication, more cost-effective media spend and a consistent message.​

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